Deep Merge in TypeScript - A Type-Safe Approach to Object Combination

Deep Merge in TypeScript - A Type-Safe Approach to Object Combination

7 min read
typescript utility deep-merge


When working with complex objects in TypeScript applications, you'll often need to merge multiple objects while preserving their nested structure. While the spread operator (...) works great for shallow merges, deep merging requires a more sophisticated approach. In this article, we'll explore a type-safe deep merge utility function that elegantly handles nested object structures while maintaining TypeScript's strong typing benefits.

Understanding the Deep Merge Utility

Let's dive into our deepMerge function, which takes two objects and combines them recursively, preserving the nested structure while maintaining type safety.

export default function deepMerge<T, R>(target: T, source: R): T {
  const output = { }
  // ... implementation

The function uses TypeScript generics (<T, R>) to maintain type information for both the target and source objects, ensuring type safety throughout the merging process.

How It Works

The deep merge process follows these key steps:

  1. Creates a shallow copy of the target object as the starting point
  2. Checks if both target and source are objects
  3. Iterates through each key in the source object
  4. For each key, either:
    • Recursively merges nested objects
    • Directly assigns non-object values
    • Handles cases where keys don't exist in the target

The function's recursive nature ensures that objects are merged at any depth while preserving their structure.

Key Features and Benefits

Type Safety

The implementation leverages TypeScript's type system to ensure type safety during the merge operation. The generic type parameters T and R allow the function to work with any object types while maintaining their type information.

Deep Copying

Unlike Object.assign() or the spread operator, this utility performs a deep copy of nested objects, preventing unwanted reference sharing between the source and target objects.


The function maintains immutability by creating new object instances rather than modifying existing ones, making it safer to use in functional programming contexts.

Real-World Usage Examples

Here's how you might use the deep merge utility in practice:

// Configuration merging
const defaultConfig = {
  theme: {
    primary: 'blue',
    secondary: 'gray'
  api: {
    endpoint: '',
    timeout: 5000

const userConfig = {
  theme: {
    primary: 'red'
  api: {
    timeout: 3000

const finalConfig = deepMerge(defaultConfig, userConfig);

This example shows how the utility can be used to merge configuration objects, a common use case in real applications.

Considerations and Limitations

While powerful, there are a few things to keep in mind when using this utility:

  1. Array Handling: The current implementation treats arrays as regular objects. Depending on your needs, you might want to add special handling for arrays.

  2. Circular References: The function doesn't handle circular references, which could lead to stack overflow errors in such cases.

  3. Performance: For very deep or large objects, the recursive nature of the function might impact performance.

Best Practices

When using the deep merge utility, consider these best practices:

  1. Use it for combining configuration objects or state updates
  2. Be mindful of object depth and complexity
  3. Consider implementing array-specific handling if needed
  4. Add type guards for better type safety in your specific use case


The deep merge utility provides a robust, type-safe solution for combining nested objects in TypeScript applications. Its implementation balances functionality with type safety, making it a valuable tool for handling complex object structures.

Whether you're working with configuration objects, state management, or data transformation, this utility offers a reliable way to merge objects while maintaining their nested structure and type information.

Remember to consider your specific use case requirements and potentially extend the utility with additional features like array handling or circular reference detection if needed for your application.